Transparent Me - Circle of 5 Coaching Build Your Life Not Just Your Career Sat, 02 Dec 2023 18:39:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Transparent Me - Circle of 5 Coaching 32 32 225420122 Your Excuses May Be Revealing Something – Listen up Fri, 01 Dec 2023 21:03:11 +0000 For a decade, I’ve dedicated myself to running an inspection company, cherishing the art of building enduring relationships. The real estate industry is populated with incredible individuals, and my journey involved adopting a mindset that emphasized growth. Traditionally, industry training nudges professionals towards establishing connections with real estate agents, and I adhered to this by Read more

The post Your Excuses May Be Revealing Something – Listen up first appeared on Circle of 5 Coaching.

For a decade, I’ve dedicated myself to running an inspection company, cherishing the art of building enduring relationships. The real estate industry is populated with incredible individuals, and my journey involved adopting a mindset that emphasized growth.

Traditionally, industry training nudges professionals towards establishing connections with real estate agents, and I adhered to this by attending meetings, giving presentations, and engaging in personal conversations over coffee. However, when it came to the critical closing moment, I consistently fell short. It wasn’t due to a lack of belief in my services, but rather an overwhelming commitment to authenticity.

My passion, I’ve come to realize, extends beyond the confines of the inspection space. It lies in being a genuine support to real estate agents, listening to their stories, meeting them where they are, and encouraging them to build not just successful careers but fulfilling lives.

My personal struggle with sales calls led me to a profound revelation – I need to stay true to my lane, getting to know people and serving them genuinely, rather than just selling a service. I want to make a living helping real estate agents build great lives, not merely offering them a great inspection.

The Excuse Reveals a Truth

In my journey, my inability to close a deal unveiled a deeper truth about my passion. Do your excuses around certain aspects of your job reveal something about what truly motivates you? Are they rooted in fear or a desire to maintain authenticity? It might be an indicator that your career, which once started as a passion, has transformed into just a job.

What Do Your Excuses Reveal about You?

Take a moment to reflect on your own journey. If your excuses are hindering crucial aspects of your job, what do they disclose about your true motivations? Is it fear holding you back or an underlying passion for something beyond your current field?

If you find yourself at a crossroads or in need of clarity, I invite you to connect with me. Let’s explore the possibilities together and identify ways to live into your passion, not just your job. In a Free 30-minute Consult Call, I won’t try to sell you on an inspection. Instead, I’m confident we’ll discover something you genuinely believe in, and you’ll likely grow in your belief in yourself as well.

Let’s embark on a journey to unlock your true potential in the real estate industry. Book your Free 30-minute Consult Call, and let’s discover what resonates with your passion and aspirations.

The post Your Excuses May Be Revealing Something – Listen up first appeared on Circle of 5 Coaching.

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Keep the Crazy Away from the Thanksgiving Table Tue, 21 Nov 2023 11:43:00 +0000 I recently heard an interview with Sebastian Junger, author of Tribe, and his latest, Freedom. He is a fascinating interview, and I can’t wait to read his books. He raises many fascinating points. But, the one I want to invite you to consider is his idea around freedom. I have long beat the drum on Read more

The post Keep the Crazy Away from the Thanksgiving Table first appeared on Circle of 5 Coaching.

I recently heard an interview with Sebastian Junger, author of Tribe, and his latest, Freedom. He is a fascinating interview, and I can’t wait to read his books. He raises many fascinating points. But, the one I want to invite you to consider is his idea around freedom.

I have long beat the drum on the idea that there are many types of poverty. Junger captured this idea in a simple illustration. He suggested that if you want financial freedom you might become a corporate attorney. You’ll make extraordinary money, but you’ll have no life outside of work. Then he talked about time freedom. (Brace yourself; this concept may blow your mind like it did mine.) He said for someone who wants time freedom should consider homelessness. A homeless individual has total flexibility without anyone imposing their schedule upon them.

Imagine if we considered wealth and poverty beyond our bank accounts. What if we measured it by our emotional and physical wellness, our environment and cultural health, our intellectual or spiritual condition, or our relationships? Could you feel like a million bucks and not have a fully-funded 401k?

You Might Think I’m Crazy

Shift gears with me for a moment. Imagine if you saw me picking up a rock and looking at it every 2-3 minutes. Imagine if I just spent 5 minutes staring at the rock. What if I spent 45 minutes or an hour staring at it? What would you think of my obsession with this rock? Perhaps you’d ask me if I’m OK. Perhaps you’d ask me if I could put it away. Maybe you’d ask if I have a therapist.

Now, imagine this rock has buttons and a screen on it. Would you still question my obsession with it? The truth is many of us, myself included, stare at our phones every 2-3 minutes and fixate on them for hours.

Take the Crazy out of Thanksgiving

Consider a Thanksgiving where phones are banished from the table, or better yet, from the entire dining room. A radical proposition, but consider the possibilities. What if, without the digital distraction, we rediscover the joy of unbridled conversations, the laughter echoing through the room unmarred by the constant hum of notifications?

The idea may seem daunting, our connection to our devices so deeply ingrained that the mere thought of separation may induce withdrawal. Yet, what if this Thanksgiving becomes a pivotal moment, a collective decision to put our phones away and be fully present with our loved ones?

Imagine if everyone at your Thanksgiving gathering was freed from their devices and fully present with one another? Honestly, our obsession may be so deep we may not respond positively to that. But, what if we respond well? What if we connect deeply with our loved ones? What if we find that putting our phones up is something to be thankful for?

For more content on relationships and personal wellness see our blog.

The post Keep the Crazy Away from the Thanksgiving Table first appeared on Circle of 5 Coaching.

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The “Pivot” in My World – Let’s go! Mon, 13 Nov 2023 11:12:00 +0000 How many times have we heard the word “pivot” in the past three years? Every leader has had to consider it with the economic changes we’ve been going through since the pandemic. It’s a collision of great magnitude as the financial crisis has collided with the technological advances. And here we sit in the middle Read more

The post The “Pivot” in My World – Let’s go! first appeared on Circle of 5 Coaching.

How many times have we heard the word “pivot” in the past three years? Every leader has had to consider it with the economic changes we’ve been going through since the pandemic. It’s a collision of great magnitude as the financial crisis has collided with the technological advances. And here we sit in the middle of a real estate industry that continues to remind us that we are in the relationship business.

I believe every business is the relationship business. But, the demand for a product or service also impacts the businesses’ reality. Many people in the inspection industry have made pivots. They now have pest control services, handyman services, fencing companies, or second jobs to make ends meet.

I’ve had to pivot, too. I’m a really good inspector. But, shifting from inspecting to any of those things many of my colleagues are great at would have sucked the life out of me. If I’m going to pivot, I’m going to do something I can do better than anyone else. So, here I am. Becoming the best in the world at what I naturally do so well.

The Pivot for Me?

What is it? I’m taking my years of being a pastor and just caring for people and bringing that into the real estate space. I’ll do this by helping people achieve their greatest success in life and not just in their business. The result is the the best program available for real estate offices to support their agents (released this January). Agents will be supported as they overcome discouragement and loneliness in a challenging work environment.

My pivot may seem unnatural to many for a guy who is just a home inspector. But, I have no doubt in my mind that it is exactly what this industry I’ve been in partnership with for 10 years needs right now.

So from where I’ve been to where I’m heading, let’s take this adventure together.

The post The “Pivot” in My World – Let’s go! first appeared on Circle of 5 Coaching.

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