Coaching – Build Relational Wealth

Need a Guide to Get Past A Challenge?

Coaching helps people get past their barriers and achieve the results they have the potential to achieve. A person that feels stuck, in decline, or lacking efficiency are all candidates for coaching. Our coaching model is different than many others. Our goal is not to keep you in coaching as long as possible. We want to help you build the right community around you so you have coaching built into your inner circle relationships. Then, you may only occasionally additional coaching for tune-ups or focusing on specialty growth areas.

We do have a 3-session minimum for first time clients to help ensure we have a solid understanding and start to the coaching relationship. After the first three sessions the appointments are set up as needed and the client is only charged when sessions are used.

Please note there is a member and a non-member price. Membership refers to being a part of the Circle of 5 Network.