When Your So-Called Zen Life Feels Disappointing: Re-working Success

Take a look at the picture above. With your experience and observation skills how many wheels would you say this vehicle has?

Initially, the tractor appears straightforward—eight tires evenly spaced, a testament to precision engineering. Yet, let’s refine our focus. By shifting the question from tires to wheels, a nuanced revelation emerges. Eight functional wheels seamlessly operating, coupled with the crucial ninth— the steering wheel. While engineers might discern more complexities (here’s one for you engineers), for the rest of us, the eight wheels with tires and the steering wheel encapsulate the essence.

Your Nine Wheels

This insightful exercise serves as a metaphor for life, prompting you to reconsider the breadth of your personal landscape. As a seasoned professional, you’re accustomed to assessing your life through a narrow prism—perhaps fixating on financial achievements or nurturing relationships. However, your life, much like the tractor, comprises nine essential elements, each integral to the smooth operation of your personal vehicle. Here they are in alphabetical order:

  • Cultural: Navigating the unwritten rules shaped by your past experiences.
  • Emotional: Understanding and engaging with your personal narrative.
  • Environmental: Grasping external factors impacting your life’s trajectory.
  • Financial: Managing the demands of your financial landscape and future planning.
  • Intellectual: Exercising your mind, fostering growth, and accruing wisdom.
  • Physical: Ensuring wellness and activity within the confines of a demanding life with limited medication.
  • Relational: Building a healthy support network around yourself.
  • Spiritual: Cultivating a sense of self, purpose, and values in your life.
  • Vocational: Gaining clarity on daily responsibilities and commitments.

Your life vehicle, akin to the tractor, encompasses all nine of these elements, whether you consciously recognize them or not. In a world often fixated on financial, physical, and relational facets, adopting a holistic view becomes paramount for a fulfilling life.

Flat Tires

Now, let’s explore the concept of “flat tires” within your personal vehicle. Envision navigating life’s terrain with a few deflated metaphorical tires. Just as one flat tire limits a tractor’s functionality, neglecting any of the nine elements hinders your life’s optimal operation. Many professionals unwittingly navigate with three to five metaphorical “flat tires,” compromising holistic success for a myopic focus.

Consider the high-achieving professional, working tirelessly—applauded by colleagues (vocational) but estranged from family (relational). Personal fitness and well-being (physical) might be neglected. When expectations in one element of life are achieved while those other element’s needs are unmet, a lingering sense of incompleteness overshadows the success.

That elusive fulfillment, despite personal accomplishments, is often a consequence of overlooking vital areas of your life. As a discerning professional, embrace the challenge of inflating those metaphorical tires and optimizing all nine elements. Satisfaction and completeness in your life journey await those who navigate with a comprehensive and strategic approach. Take the driver’s seat and accelerate toward a harmonious and fulfilling life.

If you are interested in having a guide on your reworking what you consider a satisfying life please reach out and shoot me an email.

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