Remember the 4-year-old you at the playground. You’d climb up the metal ladder. You’d have to stretch to grab ahold of the first metal bar—the bar that’s had the paint warn off the middle because it’s been there for 20+ years and at least 117,000 hands have grabbed this exact same bar you’re working up the courage to grab onto. But, can you do it this time?
There’s that moment when your feet and your hand are both secured. You can stay right there and have zero risk. But, the kid behind you in the tank top shirt, the scabbed knees, and dirty face is telling you to go. The only voice that’s worse than his voice is the one in your head trying to convince you that you can’t do this. You have to commit or you have to abandon the mission.
That Familiar Feeling
I can’t tell you how many times in my life I’ve felt like that 4-year-old at the first rung. There’s something I know I want to do. It’s something I’ll have to jump out in faith to accomplish. Once I start I have no idea if I’ll be able to finish or not. There’s the potential of falling (like these people—a little monkey bar fail compilation for you. Ouch!). There’s even the potential for getting hurt—physically, financially, emotionally, etc. But to experience the thrill of finishing you have to take that leap.
You finally commit. Then you move from one rung to the next. You keep moving toward your goal. Each time you release there’s the possibility of falling. But, there’s also the thrill of advancing.
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What are you holding onto for safety in your current season of life? Does it make you feel like that four-year-old full of doubt all over again? Remember the times you took the leap and had the success? You can do it again!
What’s the next rung you need to grab hold of so you can let go of the last rung? Who are you inviting into your life to help you achieve and hold you accountable to what you committed?
Is it time to take the jump? Is it time to grab the next rung?