There have been a lot of disruptions in my wife’s and my world in the last two months. With the disruption there has been grief.
Grief is a mysterious thing. You expect it when you go through loss. But, it keeps jumping out in front of you when you’re just going about your life. You’re eating dinner, or driving, or listening to the radio and there it leaps out into you mind and your heart.
I know grief is necessary. But, it’s so hard.
To add to the difficulty, when you’re having a good day, someone you love may be having their off day. Their grief shows up again. It douses you like a sopping wet blanket, waking you up to reality. A reality, mind you, you don’t really want to face.
The nature of grief is to withdraw. You don’t feel like being with people. You don’t feel like creating new and good memories. But, the antidote to grief is often found in have someone to express it to. Someone who will listen without trying to fix you. Someone who embraces the fact that grief is a healthy part of the healing process.
If you’re in a season of grief and you need time with that someone, I challenge you to reach out to them today. Get time with them on your calendar to connect in a space where you can be authentic. If you don’t have someone I want to invite you to reach out to me. Don’t grieve alone.
P.S. – Remember, you may be who they need, too.
Want to Dig a Little Deeper into Understanding Grief?
Check out this article from NPR that talks about the difference between grief and grieving and how to help people grieving.